• 270-826-2247
  • audubonfriends@gmail.com

Become a Member

Friends of Audubon is a non-profit organization established to enhance the public’s enjoyment and understanding of the natural wonders of John James Audubon Park and the artistic and cultural treasures housed in the Museum. There is a constant need for money to maintain the works of art, to ensure they are properly displayed and cared for, and to develop and produce programs and exhibits in the Nature Center. Your gift to the Friends of John James Audubon goes directly to the betterment of the Museum, the Nature Center and the park.

Click here to download a Friends of Audubon brochure.

Join or Renew your Friends of Audubon Membership below.

Membership options

Please make checks payable to:
Friends of Audubon

Submit to:
FOA – John James Audubon State Park
P.O. Box 576
Henderson, KY 42419

Membership Levels
  • Hummingbird: $25
  • Bluebird: $50
  • Cardinal: $100
  • Robin: $150
  • Hawk: $250
  • Owl: $500
  • Pelican: $1,000

Membership Benefits



FREE admission for 1 to the John James Audubon State Park museum for the year of paid membership.  1 name listed on Friends of Audubon website.



All benefits of the Hummingbird PLUS free admission extended to 2 and 2 names listed on the website.  10% discount for 2 at the Museum Store during the year of paid membership.



All benefits of the Bluebird PLUS free admission and Museum Store discount extended to 4.



All benefits of the Cardinal PLUS invitations to “Turn the Page" – where Robin members assist in selecting and turning the pages of Audubon’s “Birds of America" elephant folio in the museum collection.



All benefits of the Robin PLUS 10% discount on cottage rentals at John James Audubon State Park. (blackout dates and other restrictions apply)



All benefits of the Hawk PLUS Individual or Business name and/ or logo added to the Friends of Audubon website.  Complementary tickets to special events, guest lectures, and Friends of Audubon Annual Luncheon.



All benefits of the Owl PLUS VIP Parking Pass issued for the paid membership year for access to the employee parking lot behind the museum.  Also, a one-time private tour of the John James Audubon Museum archives, where the bulk of the collection is “resting" and not available for public viewing.

– All memberships are paid annually and run on a calendar year.
– All memberships expire on December 31.
– Membership will be listed according to the signature on the check unless otherwise requested.

Current Members

0’Leary, Jim & Connie

Alexander, David & Arlene

Arnold, Mac & Terry

Baer, Kevin & Marcia Cave

Barron, Diana

Beasley, Bill & Charlene

Beaven, Dick & Sheila

Berry, James

Boarman, Don

Book, David

Brown, Barbara

Brown, Libby

Buckman, Dan & Judy

Bugg, Judy

Butler, Mark & Sally

Carter, Michael & Norlene

Carver, Terry & Jean

Caudill, Alex & Brenna

Chandler, Stephen & Sara

Cheryl Jeavons

Clay Gillham

Collins, Kathleen

Cook, Lanova

Coomes, Donna

Crafton, Johnny & Marlas

Craig, Joe & Nan

Dare, Philip & Nancy

Deep, Mitchell & Victoria

Dempewolf, Thomas & Debbie

Denton, Barry & Mary Dee

Dibert, William & Enid

Dunaway, James & Debbie

Eblen, John & Charlene

Evans, Cindy

Evans, Nancy

Evans, Sharon

Garrett, Danny

Gatlin, Carol

Gentry, Iris

Gentry, William

Glover, Evie

Gonnella, Anthony & Mary Anne

Grace, George & Beth

Greene, Janice Rae

Greene, Sally

Hall, Michael & Barbra

Hamilton Injury Law Group

Hampton, Matthew & Kassandra

Hast, Vicki

Hays, James

Henderson Co. Tourism

Henderson Pickleball Club

Henderson Society of Art C

Hirshman, Sue

Hodge, Gray & Nancy

Hoey, Eric & Cynthia

Home Oil and Gas Co. Inc.

Houston Keach & Lowry Igleheart-Keach

Hubbard, Susan

Igleheart Hagey, Chandler & Jingle

Keach, Scott

King, Leo & Gail

Kroeger, Marka

Lambert, P.L. & Carol

Leslie White

Logan, Dr. Thomas & Mrs. Jo

Lutz, Timothy

Martell, Christa

Martin, Bob & Laura

Martin, Eleanor

McClellan, Jule

McCollum, Charles & Deborah

McConathy, Deirdre

McConaughy, Connie & Joseph

McElroy, Martin & Susan

McIndoo, Bob

McKown, Leslie

Middleton, Paula

Miller, Scott and Gian

Mills, Mike

Minton, Edward

Mioduszewski, Tom & Lisa

Mitchell, Robert & April

Montgomery, Roy & Diane

Moore, Ronnie

Moran, Dennis & Elizabeth

Moran, Howard & Pam

Murphy, Melinda

Nathaniel II

Neeley, Brenda

Nelson, Herman & Christine

Newman, Leslie

Nollmann, Richard & Patricia

Nord, Paul

Norris, Seton

Orrahood, Gay

Otey, Martha Ann

Peacock, Yvonne

Peak, Bob & Judy

Polk, Martha

Prather, Janell J.

Rankin, Martha

Reffett, Stephen & Madeleine

Reitz, Marchelle

Richardson, Michael

Ridley, Dorsey & Glenn

Royster, Jud & Beth

Schofield, Richard & Cheryl

Shappell, Eric

Shields, Boo

Shott, Roger & Diane

Siewart, MIke & Mary

Sights, Dale & Margaret Ann

Sights, Jon & Becky

Simpson, M.V.

Smith, Mike & Kay

Sprague, A.D. and Barbara

Stagg, Rita

Stanonis, Frank & Marilyn

Steven Wilson

Talbert, Francis & Margaret

Thomas, Merritt Bates

Thomason, David

Thrasher, Mary Ann

Thurman, Susan

Troost, Melissa

Tuttle, James Lee

Tweddell, Steven & Patricia

Vincent, Jim & Holly

Wagner, Libby

Walker, Marianne

Wathen, Don & Shirley

Weiland, Tina

Werling-Alles Foundation

Williams, Joann

Williams, Robbie

Williams, Shelby

Williams, Tom & Marlene

Wilson, Dr. Kurt

Womack, Zack & Mara Beth

Workins, Don & Pat

Wright, John & Brenda

Wright, Robert & Marianna