• 270-826-2247
  • audubonfriends@gmail.com


Major donations to Audubon State Park since April 1992


Assisted in Purchase of the Tyler Collection
Purchased Original Audubon Paintings (Culbertsons)
Purchased Original Audubon Watercolors
Purchased Original Crayon/Charcoal Drawing by Audubon
Purchased Bachman/Audubon Tea Set
Assisted in Purchase of Copper Engraving Plate Along with the Raymond B. Preston Family Foundation
Assisted in Purchase of the CCC Sculpture
Purchased Original Audubon Manuscript – Breaking Up of the Ice
Purchased Audubon Paint Brushes
Purchased Log Splitter
Purchased Audubon Copper Plate #337 American Bittern
Purchased American Long Rifle & Powder Horn
Purchased Bald Eagle Statue by Raymond Graf
Purchased Brown Property
Purchased Playground Equipment for Sycamore Shelter
Purchased “The Cougar" Lithography Stone
Assisted in Purchase of Hand-Colored Print of “The Cougar" from Audubon’s “Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America”
Purchased Walker Hanging System for Museum Meeting Room
Purchased Touch Screen Exhibit of the Birds of America
Purchased Flowers and Other Plants for Audubon Museum Garden
Purchased Donor Plaques Displayed in Museum
Purchased Computer Network System for the Museum
Purchased Equipment and Recording Services for Audio Tours of Museum
Purchased Projector Screen for Museum Meeting Room
Purchased Additional Walker Hanging System for Museum Entrance


Contributed to Completion of Museum Meeting Room
Funded the Master Plan for the Audubon Museum Garden
Funded the Memorial Garden Adjacent to the Museum
Funded Installation of Museum Water Feature
Funded Audubon Museum Garden Renovation
Contributed to Dillard Concert Fundraiser
Funded Photography for Audubon Print Transparencies
Production of David Book’s booklet of Kentucky’s Audubon
Funding of the Audubon Arts and Music Festival
Funded Audubon Theater and Discovery Center
Funded Museum and Park benches