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Embark on a monthly adventure with us! Register today to reserve a spot in our new “Nature-Inspired” Craft Workshop series at John James Audubon State Park. On Thursday, August 22 from 6-7:30 P.M., our art instructor will lead you in handcrafting a paper lantern using nature’s materials of wood, pressed flowers, leaves, and more. You’ll get to bring a bit of nature home with you to enjoy and learn the steps to create more on your own. Workshop participation is $20/person, ages 16+. Please pre-register with Lisa Hoffman by calling 502-782-9727 or emailing to: [email protected].

08 Jul

Nature-Inspired Craft Workshop: Decorated Paper Lanterns

Embark on a monthly adventure with us! Register today to reserve a spot in our new "Nature-Inspired" Craft Workshop series at John James Audubon State Park. On Thursday, August 22 from 6-7:30 P.M., our art instructor will lead you in handcrafting a paper lantern using nature's materials of wood, pressed flowers, leaves, and more. You'll get to bring a bit of nature home with you to enjoy and learn the steps to create more on your own. Workshop participation is $20/person, ages 16+. Please pre-register with Lisa Hoffman by calling 502-782-9727 or emailing to: [email protected].

Event Details

  • Date: August 22
  • Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
  • Cost: $20
  • Event Category:


  • Name: Lisa Hoffman, Park Naturalist
  • Phone: 502-782-9727
  • Email: lisa.hoffman@ky.gov

  • John James Audubon State Park Museum
  • 3100 US-41
    Henderson, KY 42420 United States
    + Google Map
  • Phone:
  • 270-826-2247