• 270-826-2247
  • audubonfriends@gmail.com

Nature-Inspired Crafting Workshops: Dried Fruit Wreaths

John James Audubon State Park Museum 3100 US-41, Henderson, KY, United States

Thursday, Nov. 21 6-7:30 P.M. John James Audubon Museum Cost: $20   We're taking reservations now for our Nature-Inspired Crafting Workshop: Dried Fruit Wreaths. If you love to decorate for the holidays, why not craft some unique décor with natural materials? Our instructor will guide you in crafting a grapevine wreath decorated with dried fruit


Gift Shop Christmas Open House

John James Audubon State Park Gift Shop 3100 US-41, Henderson, KY, United States

Saturday, November 30—2 P.M. -5 P.M. John James Audubon State Park Museum Free admission Time is flying and the Holidays are almost here! Join us Saturday, Nov. 30th at our Gift Shop Christmas Open House. Stop in for a cup of mulled cider and sample some of our favorite Kentucky made products (like bourbon cake and


Nature-Inspired Crafting Workshops: Bird Seed Ornaments

John James Audubon State Park Museum 3100 US-41, Henderson, KY, United States

Saturday, Dec. 14 10:30-11:30 A.M. John James Audubon Museum Cost: $5/ornament   We're taking reservations now for our Nature-Inspired Crafting Workshop: Bird Seed Ornaments. With winter approaching, you can provide a useful gift for your wildlife friends, too! Our instructor will guide you in crafting bird seed ornaments to decorate outdoor branches and trees, while


Winter Wander Hike

John James Audubon State Park Museum 3100 US-41, Henderson, KY, United States

Saturday, December 14 1:00 P.M. John James Audubon State Park Cost: Free   Take a break from the usual routine to head onto the beautiful wintertime trails at Audubon! This free naturalist-led hike will wander a 1-mile course through the preserve, from upland forest to pristine valley. Winter is an excellent time to explore outdoors,


Kid’s Holiday Hangout

John James Audubon State Park Museum 3100 US-41, Henderson, KY, United States

Saturday, Dec.21 1 P.M. to 5 P.M., Ages 5 and up John James Audubon Museum Cost: $15; RSVP by 12/16/24   Feeling stressed over the coming holiday? Let the kids play at the park while you finish up the gift wrapping and last-minute shopping—bring them to the Kid’s Holiday Hangout on Saturday, Dec. 21 from


First Day Hikes

John James Audubon State Park Museum 3100 US-41, Henderson, KY, United States

Wednesday, January 1, 2025 Hike #1 at 11 A.M. Hike #2 at 2:00 P.M. John James Audubon Museum Front Lawn Free   Join the nationwide movement to get outdoors on the first day of the year! John James Audubon State Park will host two First Day Hikes on New Year’s Day, 2025. Hike #1 will


Winter Wetland Wander

John James Audubon Park Wetlands Wolf Hills Road, Henderson, Kentucky, United States

Sunday, January 26 1:00 P.M. Audubon Wetlands Trails Cost: Free   Unplug for a bit, get off the couch, and spend the afternoon outdoors—join our naturalist on the Winter Wetland Wander, on Sunday, January 26th at 1 P.M.! This free naturalist-led hike will explore Audubon Wetlands in winter, wandering a 1-mile course through field, shrub

Birdwatching Weekend at John James Audubon State Park

John James Audubon State Park Museum 3100 US-41, Henderson, KY, United States

A Birdwatching Weekend at John James Audubon State Park scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 15th, includes activities throughout the day for anyone interested in learning about our fine feathered friends. All ages/birding skill levels are welcome! These activities will take place at the Audubon Museum:   Audubon Park Feeder Counts for GBBC--9-10 A.M., and again 11-12:15